Inventory management Overview
The Inventory management dashboard is designed to simplify the process for retailers and stores to easily add, manage, and showcase their utilities products within the UnderScope Map database. Dashboard providing tools to categorize products, monitor inventory, and manage manufacturer information.
Add new product
Utility categories
Subcategories of products
Company products
My subcategories of products
All manufacturers
My manufacturers
Invoices / Orders
Manage order process, from receiving orders to generating invoices. Users can view received orders, access order details (including product name, model, price, and quantity), and create invoices according to orders.
The platform allows users to create professional invoices for their transactions. This feature ensures accuracy in billing, tracks payments, and facilitates efficient accounting practices.
Current orders
Finished orders
All orders
Current Invoices
Finished Invoices
All Invoices
Products management
This is the core of the inventory management system. It includes various utilities types, categories, subcategories, products, and product models. Each product is organized systematically for easy access and management.
The system maintains a database of manufacturers, including their names, logos (for branding), and links to their products. This helps in managing supplier relationships and tracking product sources effectively.
There is a option to work with global manufaturers (Esbe, Siemens ....) and to add lokal manufacturers of products you are working with.
In both cases you can promote products you want to increase sale.
Manage employees task and works